Our History

Friday, April 29, 2022

Guest Speaker - Lianne van Leyen

At our meeting this month, Lianne van Leyen from 1897 Schoolhouse Samplers spoke to us about her vast collection of antique samplers numbering 273 and spanning the dates 1724 to the 1940s. One in particular is a freebie on her website - Louisa Acton. The chart is offered and a photo of the original which had been purchased on eBay in 2019. 

One of our guild projects this fall was to stitch the sampler as is, correcting 11 year-old Louisa's mistakes, making our own mistakes either intentionally or not, or adapting to to make it our own. Lianne intended for people to just use threads in their stash for this diminutive project. Stitched on 40ct it fits nicely in a 5" x 7" frame.

Meagan prepared a slideshow for Lianne to see our own Louisa Acton samplers.


Bernie fashioned a bellpull

Geri used her great grandmother's name and the date she would have been 11 years old.
Jennifer B made a needle roll out of hers.
Sylvia's - stitched over 1
Lianne also spoke to us about ways she acquires the antique samplers and how she charts them and selects the colours. 

It would be nice to see everyone's in person some day.