Our History

Sunday, August 9, 2020

What Have You Been Stitching During the Pandemic?

Many Trillium Guild stitchers have been doing a lot of stitching these past 6 months since we met last.

Jeanette has been doing a lot of work finishing many of her UFOs.

Baby Burrowing Owl thread painting designed by Tanja Berlin.

Baby Burrowing Owl thread painting design by Tanja Berlin

Vintage ornaments by Chickadee Hollow Designs
Birds of a Feather drum by Jenny McWhinney

Birds of a Feather drum by Jenny McWhinney
Hapsburg Lace scissor case designed by Tanja Berlin
Mary Woodward - a Hands Across the Sea Little Gem
An adapted design for a name tag.
Once Upon a Summer Huswif by Heartstring Samplery - interior
Once Upon a Summer by Hearthstring Samplery - exterior
Tulip-shaped biscornu
Peacock Party Berry by Erica Michaels
Random Threads by Erica Michaels
Spring Wool Pin Cushion designed by Jeannette Douglas
Summer Box by Victoria Sampler
Symphony - an embroidered pocket designed by Barbara Kershaw
Jennifer B finished her 'Morning Has Broken' sampler designed by Catherine Theron at a workshop she and Poppy, Barb, and Jeanette attended in NY state in the spring of last year. The threads are silks. All the stitches were specialty stitches - no cross stitches at all! Jenn modified her piece by adding additional lyrics in the bubbles on the sides. It was framed by Kimat Designs.
Jenn also completed two quilts. The first was panels of a line of fabric featuring bees. The quilting is flowers, butterflies, and dragonflies.
She pieced the back with strips of the accompanying fabrics.
Her other quilt was a gift for her mother's birthday. It was a collaboration with her dad printing the photos onto fabric, and Jenn piecing the photos with sashing to make a wonderful family quilt.
The back featured a beautiful William Morris fabric of flowers, birds, and strawberries.

At Market last March, Teresa Kogut released for Heaven and Nature sampler design. The model was stitched by Geri.
She also stitched this 'Bee Kind' model for Teresa Kogut and stitched it again to have one of her own.
Geri also stitched a summery Lizzie Kate piece called 'A Little Beach'. She had the frame in her stash.
She also completed and fully finished Honeybee Sampling by Little House Needleworks. To add a bit of texture she did satin stitches on the bee hive/skep instead of cross stitches.
Geri stitched another Teresa Kogut piece 'Star Shaped Snowman' one over two on 32ct dirty linen. She will finish it into a star-shaped hanging Christmas ornament,
This 'Be Well' freebie was from the Blue Coppice website.
She also finished this circular piece 'My Soul is Fed' which will be made into a pin cushion.
Bernie stitched 'On Quilting' designed by Pam McKee for her daughter, Marla's, birthday present.